Integrated solution for Gardens

Overall landscape planning and environmental quality are two important factorsto consider in determining whether a landscape plan can pass the approvaltest. Based on those two factors, the landscape will be assigned to a specificclass according to the Standard of Rating for Quality of Tourist Attractions.
Himing Solar is a company that provides tailor-made landscape planningsolutions by bringing cleaner energy to the landscape, which in tum helpsattract more customers and boost local toursm industry.


Green Transport Solutions

The solar sightseeing car is driven by solar energy. lt creates zero emission,which is contrasted with traditional automobile that uses heat engines toprovide energy. Unique frame design reduces the overall weight as well asimproves driving stability and speed. This solar car can travel as long as 60kmbetween charges.

Customer Needs: Green Transport within the Landscape
Core Products: Solar Sightseeing Car, Solar Yacht, Solar Electricity ChargingStation.

Lighting solutions within the Landscape

Our solar energy lighting provides a decorative, eco-friendly lighting solution hamesses solar energy to generate electricity. Installation of sucha lighting system saves cost spent in laying out wires and ducts. Users canfreely arange the lighting to add decorate effect to the road landscape

Customer Needs: Cutting Down on Lighting Cost
Core Products: Solar Courtyard Light, Solar Landscape Light, Solar LawnLight, Solar W’all Light, Solar Floating Light

Lighting sculpture

PVsculpture incorporates the solar PV system into a sculptural design toprovide an ideal combination of lighting art, sculpture art and high-tech controltechnology. lt not only serves a utilitarian purpose but also adds a decorativetouch to the landscape, making your lighting a special attraction for tourists

Customer Needs: Adding Unique Charm to the Tourist Attraction
Core Products: PV Cultural Sculpture, PV Garden Sculpture, Py Gate, PVFountain, PV Deck Light

Solar Building Solutions

Pictured above is a European-style pavilion that evokes an image of theShanghai Oriental Pearl Tower. Exquisite design, finely carved patterns andBlPV assembly are combined together to bring tourists another uniqueattraction. For sightseers who want to find a quiet resting place where they canenjoy the bright light energized by solar energy, this building is your idealdestination.

Customer Needs: Energy-Efficient Building Brings Added Profits
Core Products: BlP Sunlight Room, BlPV Landscape Guard Rail, BlPVBridge Lighting System.

Solar Energy Solution for Landscape Infrastructure

Solar energy solutions can be applied to many public facilities within thelandscape, such as solar bench, solar toilet, and solar dustbin. Solar energypowered public facility not only serves a functional purpose, but also adds adecorative touch to the landscape

Customer Needs: Clean Energy within the Landscape Infrastructure
Core Products: Solar Signage System, Solar lMonitoring system, PV BenchSolar Toilet, Solar Dustbin, PV Pavilion, Solar Parking Lot, Solar Light BoxAdvertising

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